
  • Genre:
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Title Artist Time


  • I love this album so relaxing

    By Pixeplaysgames
    My twin brother listens to this album so he can go to sleep and it works and when I tried it I was asleep in like 20mins. It's soooooo relaxing. This album makes me go to sleep and helps me feel relaxed after a long and hard day in school. 😌😌🎢🎢🎢🎡🎡🎢. Relaxation and calming music is good for me after I get home from school .πŸ˜„
  • to "Michael Morris"

    By bob bobblaw
    OK, so are you driving to this music ? . . . . . if so, that's on you . . . . .
  • Nice, but not all that special

    By Blue Monk
    Healing Waters is the first album I have listened to with a warning that said one should not listen to it while driving. And such a warning is probably a good idea. Mr. Evenson plays some flutes and keyboards (the latter for background tone, not accompaniment). With the addition of acoustic guitar and ocean noises (waves, gulls, and whales I think), the disc is certainly relaxing. There are other instruments on the project, but the pieces with guitar are the ones that stand out for me. Healing Waters reminds me a lot of the music I hear in my favorite Chinese restaurant. It's not art, but does the job of setting a quiet mood.
  • Beautiful, peaceful music

    By angels among us
    Thank you, Dean for creating this healing music for our planet. Your music heals on all levels and helps heal my heart. I am so grateful I found you and your healing music. Blessings to you : )
  • drifting

    By zenjenn
    i float to sleep, drifting in peaceful musical bliss. The music plays and the whole family drifts together. I am grateful for the experience of this music, thank you.
  • Relax

    By Amanda Dixon
    This music is great! I own 4 of his cds and I listen to them at night to help be wind down from a busy day.