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Title Artist Time


  • So good

    By igudreviews
    ❤️ porter
  • Beautiful and amazing album

    By mynameis15
    though it will be awhile for another new great album:(
  • 5
    By sammiedog218
    … I can’t say anything it’s so… so…….. SPRING!!!!!!!!
  • Sublime

    By likethewind88
    This album has moved me in ways that I can’t express in words and continues to do so every time I listen. Truly a profound work of art. I have not felt this way towards an album in a very long time. A sonic masterpiece.
  • Who worte the description??

    By Jaltz32
    Sophmore album? SPITFIRE - Freshman WORLDS - Sophomore Nurture - Junior Come on guys it's not really that hard at all. Oh, the album itself has a couple of decent tracks but otherwise, not as hard hitting as Spitfire.
  • What happened?

    By biggkoz
    If you are looking for a repeat of Worlds, this is not it. I dont understand when people change thier sound right after the album that gave you so much attention to something that wont even get the older fans to care about it. If you wanted to do a pop album to make money or whatever, just release it under a different name like most dj's do. This album had me wondering if it was even a Porter Robinson album.
  • another impeccable album

    By LPS heart
    sounds like spring :)
  • This album changed my life

    By KroCaligon
    In 2017, I got burnt out of making music because I wasn’t confident in my abilities to make good music or at least music to be proud of personally. Part of me knew I had to continue but I did not have that spark or that passion any more, and God knows I needed I’ve been waiting for it to come. Come 2021, after some struggles with mental health during 2020, my friends helped me make me feel better and tell me that Porter Robinson dropped this new album, which I was initially scared to listen to at first because I already loved Worlds so much. But I gave this whole album a listen, and I could not believe how immersed I was listening to this. I was truly enamored by the amount of passion, effort, creativity, and risk put into this album and loved every single track. I loved this album so much that I saw Porter live on his Nurture tour, and I kid you not, after he performed “Musician,” he fell to his knees and started crying because of how much love he was getting hearing the crowd singing his own lyrics back to him. Porter Robinson is a man of pure musical passion. After all of this, it brought me the spark of inspiration and musical passion I needed to work on my own music again, and here I am now soon to release my first ever full-length album with probably the same amount of love and enjoyment Porter had making this. Because of him, I love listening and especially making music more than I ever have in my entire life. Porter, thank you for making music with every ounce of passion you have, and thank you for inspiring me to face my fears, become my heroes, and doing music again like I am meant to. You are my absolute favorite musical artist of all time. ❤️
  • greatest album of all time!!!

    By zach miller528
    Greatest album i've ever heard in my lifetime!!!!

    By hfjskfbdal7&-72
    Greatest album mankind has ever made period!!! I LOVE IT PORTER!!!!! #1 DJ OF ALL TIME!!!!!!!!!! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE HOW PERSONAL PORTER MAKES HIS MUSIC AND ESPECIALLY THE LYRICS!!!!