Skin - Single - Sabrina Carpenter

Skin - Single

Sabrina Carpenter

  • Genre: Pop
  • Release Date: 2021-01-22
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 1

  • ℗ 2021 Island Records, a division of UMG Recordings, Inc.


Title Artist Time
Skin Sabrina Carpenter 2:57


  • Perfect Revenge and a Song From The Heart

    By ur random reviewer
    Sabrina did amazing on this. Perfect revenge to Olivia Rodrigo’s drivers license. Don’t listen to the hate comments. This is a song from her heart, that she wrote to let Olivia know no matter what, she’s still standing strong.
  • Love it❤️

    By I<3mxmtoon
    Songwriting is therapy, it’s not meant to be an attack
  • I think Olivia didn’t mean to hurt her like that but…..

    By Rory. K
    This song is actually good like listen to it!!
  • bad

    By gabriella =10 year old
    i have never liked u and this song is bad anyways, and u only think abt urself, that poor girl
  • song in general is good but the intentions were garbage

    By human😏
    I think the song in general is good and Sabrina's voice is amazing as usual, but the way she put down a girl who was just showing her vulnerability and her insecurities about losing a guy she loved to Sabrina is just disgusting. I feel like she could’ve handled the situation more maturely instead of having a petty song. I love her voice and I usually love her music but please grow up.
  • The hate comments are unreliable

    By stay safe 🫶🏻
    Sabrina’s voice is amazing. I absolutely love the delivery and the lyrics, and all of her other songs are wondrous. For all those hate comments, that’s totally okay! It’s okay to state your opinion and I’m not arguing against that! This song is truly wonderful and expresses Sabrina’s feelings and we can’t argue with that. Driver’s license is also good but this is Sabrina’s side of the story. Again, amazing delivery and lyrics. Love you Sabrina <3
  • Ok

    By 😜😒🤔🤪
    So this is a great song, but I hate that she’s just putting down Olivia like that. I give this to stars because it’s a ok song it’s pretty good. But what’s with all this drama. It’s like a musical love triangle.
  • c'mon really

    By Sia Laterz
    This song was definitely towards Olivia and DL, it was so insensitive of Sabrina to just add salt to injury, Olivia got her heart broken cause a guy left her for Sabrina, and Olivia called you pretty and said she felt insecure because she thought you were better than her, and you make it seem like she made you out to be the villain. Not to mention, she was like 17 when she wrote this song, you're what, 21? It's just so embarrassing when an adult acts like a 3 yr old when they don't get candy. Maybe Sabrina couldn't "read in between the lines" herself cause she def didn't see how Olivia pretty much was saying Sabrina was better than her in DL. I feel really bad for Olivia because this song must've hurt her even more. And to be so rude enough to brag about how he's "all on your skin"? Like, we all know that you didn't steal him, but why do you keep on trying to actually make yourself the villain? Way too petty to even make it on iTunes. This song wouldn't have made it if it weren't for DL and if it wasn't causing more drama. I'm giving this two stars cause I liked the rhythm and I would've given 3 if her singing wasn't all auto tune. Maybe Sabrina just didn't understand, or maybe she's a petty, childish, insensitive toddler. But for people who would argue she didn't mean to add fuel to the fire or didn't see how Olivia wasn't trying to make her the villain, Sabrina was old and smart enough to know that Olivia calling her pretty and saying that she feels insecure about her means she thinks she's better than her, so Sabrina was obviously just trying to be petty, and it ain't cute 😂
  • Seriously!

    By Emily Jane Dunkin
    Sabrina you usually have a beautiful voice and great lyrics but this time your lyrics were meh.. honestly sounds auto tuned and looks bad your producer probably thought it was A good idea but it wasn’t it makes you look bad it makes you look like a villain and a hater you say your not the villain but it’s hard to see that when your bullying a girl 4 years younger I like drivers license a little more sorry but it’s hard to team up with someone who bully’s a girl who said you were pretty and sweet and she was insecure and you lashed back saying how you were dating Joshua and how she won’t get under your skin people say Olivia started it but I think it wasn’t either of you it was Joshua basset honestly.
  • Olivia

    By CMSM💛
    I love Olivia and for that I would give this one star. Even if I didn’t like her I would still give this one star because it sounds horrible.

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