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Title Artist Time


  • Merry Christmas to us !!

    By Johnslx3
    Great Christmas and New Years gift !! Awesome album I have been listening nonstop the production is awesome and the lyrics are good.
  • Doe B

    By Braden_Rogers
    Doe B was an inspiration to not only Alabama, but people all over. His flow and confidence on the track transcended on every project. His is deeply missed and i am thankful after many long years his music is finally out.
  • Considering the circumstances

    By Classichiphoponline
    With no budget, no help from his former associates, no major label backing, no push, no promo, no expected help from any major rappers, and with all the music and street politics that almost made this album impossible to put together along with the impossible task of taking 7 years worth of dated material sound current and relevant again from production, remixing and remastering makes this one of the best, if not the best works from Doe B. Please support because the fans are the only ones to hold him down.
  • TOP 5 Dead or Alive

    By @fonziethegreat
    I been listening to Doe since the first DOAT he been going hard since 2011 and haven’t stopped yet. This album is a memorial to his life and his music. Rip to the best out of the gump.
  • LLDoeB

    By funnybunny190
    Long Live Doe. The production on this tape is top tier.
  • Best trap artist then and forever

    By Archie Bunker™
    Doe B is one of the best to do it out of Alabama, i started listening to him in ‘15, and he grew on me to learn that he passed two years while do my research on him i was shocked at his flow and lyrically talented he was telling stories from the gump and beyond. Some say he’s the south’s biggie but no i can’t put him in that category, he’s in a class of his own biggie and Doe B are two different artists. I was glad that finally after all these years that went by they finally put out an album because it was long overdue and it exceeded all expectations ✅. RIP DOE B #thakidd

    By Ffuxsykbderx
    🔥 As Always