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Title Artist Time


  • I set fire to the rain is my favorite 🤩

    By I just love fgteev
    Love it.
  • ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

    By BlackExcellence007
  • My favorite artist

    By thewillowtree123
    I love Adele so much. Her music is perfect for any occasion: breakups, new loves, chilling, good mood, literally anything and everything thank you Adele ❤️
  • Luv ❤️‍🔥

    By my game doesnt work
  • Good

    By Your average gay mom
    Love. Set fire to the rain.
  • Amazing ringtones recommend

    By Outstanding pack
    Love Adele when I get a call ok just let the song play and them answer

    By Rate 🤖
    Adele is amazing. I like someone like you
  • Where the reviews go??

    By LilCoCo😜✌️
    I coulda sworn I saw like over 40k reviews… Like, what happened??? She not all that, but she ain’t bad👌🏾
  • Amazing

    By PatriciaC80
    This album lives rent free in my head. Rolling in the Deep, Rumour has It, Turning Tables, Set Fire to the Rain, One & Only and Someone like You are just *chef’s kiss*. This was by far my favorite album of Adele’s and 19 would be 2nd.
  • Why one star when you can put five

    By 📼Dandy’s tapes📼
    So I was scrolling through the reviews and I saw some ones and there was one that she was a overrated singer and that made me upset because I loved her music sense I was like what 4???? But her music is really good and I still love it till this day but if it’s a one keep it to urself because it might hurt her fans or other people I know that’s least likely to happen but still😃