
  • Genre:
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Title Artist Time


  • To CrazyLadyBug0415

    By NF's Son
    It’s definitely better than anything Ice Spice puts out. Besides, what’s wrong with alcohol? Liver failures nice ya know try it some time you’d love it. Haha. Like seriously, you’re a clown and you’re a woman so pipe down little girl and go look after the kids for me, okay sweetheart? Thanks.
  • Bruh

    By crazyladybug0415
    Every song is about whiskey. Every time I hear one of his songs I listen to see how many times he’ll mention alcohol 🍺 Oh, and by the way, i’Ma NeEd SoMe WhIsKeY gLaSsEs 🤓
  • Morgan Wallen is #1

    By MylesBuckets05
    This is amazing his accent is perfect for all those songs and just perfect singing❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • I love you Morgan!

    By kellyhoulahan
    Happy fourth anniversary to this record breaking and legendary album!!!
  • Love him

    By Fun0231
    He is a good artist.
  • The best music

    By madison ogelsby
    Morgan wallen you are the best your songs are so much better than anyone would’ve thought. Your songs are the bomb. I am a true country music fan and this right here is way more than just country. You pour your heart out to wright these songs and some people don’t appreciate that. I know I sure do. You are the bomb of country music. I will forever listen to your songs they are the best. 🤎🤍🤎🤍
  • 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    By By err hmbfbfv
    Why are the reviews 3y ago🤣🤣🤣
  • Oop

    By Oh La La girly pop
    I can’t wait to be listening for seven more summers.Father I love you so much ❤️😘😊🥰💕💗💖💞❣️💓😻💘💝😽👩🏼‍❤️‍👨🏼
  • Love the music

    By The rizzler 21
    Why is Bandaid on a bullet hole not on iTunes at all but other than that it’s a great album
  • Morgan is the goat

    By Kryptixxx