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  • Alejandra Guzman videos please!!!

    By IvanRizo2012
    Please bring her videos she has some amaizing ones!!!!
  • Alejandra Guzman

    By SanJoBaby
    Que rollos con itunes??? cuando nos van hacer el honor de poner videos de la Maxima Reina del Rock..espero y se acuerden de los super fanaticos de esta Diva. Espero y nos complascan pronto! gracias de ante mano!
  • Great Album....a must have!

    By Gymalex99
    Es es otro de los grandes albums que tiene la madurez con su lindas letras de La Guzman! Siempre la unica Reyna del Rock!
  • chido

    By oaxacaliforniano
    realmente es el mejor album de esta diosa del rock tengo todos y por mucho este supera los demas demostrando k su lugar nunca tendra suplente y que a pesar del tiempo ella se mantiene vigente y la unica de su generacion

    By Minifrias
    Great album! The biggest pop/rock star in Mexico create an incredible mix of jazz, rock and pop with awesome lyrics specially Volverte a Amar, Quiero Estar Contigo and her voice couldn't be better. One of my favourites in this year.
  • The Best From Alejadra Yet.

    By bajacaliforniano
    I grew up with this one of a kind performer and her music. When she debuted with her first album "bye, Mama" addressing her so pupular mother, Sylvia Pinal, a diva from the golden age of movie and theater in Mexico, was received with fanfare by the teenage comunity. I remember everybody wanted to be Alex, even me {~_~} A total bomb. Her controversial life and personality has put her in a privileged position in the world of Spanish Rock. Her powerful and jazzy voice has placed her as one of the classics, a "have to have." This album has place her in the musical map with unique intensity once more. Her voice is better than ever. It has been said that alcohol and smoke gives the voice that special maturity, as in the case of Joni Mitchell. Well, I don't know if that's the case with Alex, but hers has matured beautifully. love it, love it, love it. Please give us more examples from this wonderful dive, more of her trajectory, for those who do not know about this wonderful performer, to better understand her evolution and appreciate her unique journey and contribution to the musical world. I love you Alex, I always have, I always will. Esos muchachos, no se duerman y soporten a su artista y compatriota. Si ustedes nacieron en los principios y mediados de los setenta saben muy bien de lo que estoy hablando. No se me duerman y hagan escuchar su voz. Paz Thanks