Very Focused!
By gmonet
I agree with some reviewers here who see the collection as well rounded, and to me, well focused on some wondeful, but ignored Hancock.
It begins with the "Sorcerer" which Miles Davis explored, and then moves to the often trivialized Columbia efforts like "4 A.M." Both of these tunes got less commercial play than the breakaway Blue Note stuff like "Canteloupe Island" and "Maiden Voyage."
The fun come sin discoveries for many novice hancock fans, like his jive'n "People Music" which just blows me away!
I have not always liked Hancock's efforts, but would kill to hear him play, and covet every disc I have ever had by him..and that includes vinyl for those of you who ARE novices! This is sure to fit on your shelf of favorites!
You Herbie Hancock Blocked Me
By dalegria98
Love Rockit!
Stars In Your Eyes
By Vinylhottie11
Another beautiful mellow classic.
By Don the MadDog
If I had to take a handfull of music CD's to a desert Island I defintely make this one of them. It's that good NUFF SAID!.
Good stuff...
By irishfrog
I'm usually wary of compilations, but this turned out great. A well-rounded selection, varying moods, and some of Hancock's greatest make this a "must-listen."
Herbie Hancock at His Best!
By plokoon360
Watermelon Man, Cantaloupe Island, and Maiden Voage. All songs I love better than ever. Spread the news!
Watermelon Man
By Dave Paul
Watermelon Man has a very clean, smooth sound and is Extremely hip.
Watermelon Man
By mosess
Watermelon Man is for real. It is the greatest composition of man kind.