By deeregirl9
Not country
By Cassmilrya
The issue is he or his team are labeling his music as country. There doing that because rock is dead on the charts and country isn’t. This is a rock album by all standards lol.
Koe Freakin Wetzel
By Aqtinlickafoo
love the rock sound and the lyrics r unique and cool
Y’all aren’t the smartest
By JJ____99
It’s funny seeing the reviews saying it’s not real country so it’s not any good. If you’re listening to Koe Wetzel and you expect country music then you’re in the wrong place. He’s always leaned to rock and in the last few years they’ve basically become a rock band. Is this his best work? That’s subjective, but he’s never been a country artist so stop being so fixated on what it’s categorized under and enjoy the music and and if you want to listen to an endless loop of songs about dirt roads, beer and trucks go listen to Luke Combs or Luke Bryan or any of those guys but don’t leave a review when you have no idea what you’re reviewing.
koe rocks 🤟
By Blu camo
Love his music! super proud of him and for him! Pittsburg Texas 🇨🇱is very prideful of him and his family!
Not his best but there are good moments
By 7duck hunt winner
This is probably his worst album but there are still great moments best song on the record is Lubbock that song is awesome then I think he does a good job on outcast (a William Clark green cover) cold and alone and Kuntry and wistern are just alternative rock song but there pretty solid other than that the other songs are just extra not his best but not terrible
By Missyb2007
How is this country? Sounds more like alternative/rock. Let's just leave country alone please!
Exactly what country music needs!!!
By 1111111762
Wannabe country
By IsiBiancaV
This is NOT country music. This is disgusting, useless garbage. This “singer” better grow some balls. Listen to Luke Combs, NOT this chooch!
Good, but not his best
By Dtyoung2383
I think Koe spoiled me with his previous albums. All of the songs on Noise Complaint and Harold Saul High were fantastic and I could listen to each and every song over and over again. The pre-release songs for this album were great, and I really love Cold & Alone, but the rest I don’t care for.