I don’t see the point in the hate for this EP. Didn’t Jason write this whole thing after protesting George Floyd’s death? That’s some talent to me. May not be my favorite Fever 333 music ever but it certainly has some serious power and meaning behind it.
Too political for my liking
By Twp894
Too political for my liking we need to hear something else beside politics
Best yet
By Ajeter
Love this album. By far their best music
Couple good songs
By Factorygoon115
The album lacks a flow. Been a huge fan of this band for years. This is one of the most disappointing albums yet. I understand they want to put a certain message across and that’s fine, but there’s better ways to do it lyrically and sound wise. I regret buying this album
Good music
By castlekiller93
Good music
Horrible message
By ArcanVm
What happened to The Chariot?
Amazingly Good/UnAmazingly Short
By BooG941
The songs were Their best songs yet and this could’ve easily been their best album by far, but they all felt unfinished most only being around 2 minutes which was huge bummer especially when there’s only 8 tracks total.
We need this Fever
By ralktin
Fever 333 is the most important band right now