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Title Artist Time


  • AWESOME!!!

  • Anointed

    By Boardz20
    Wonderful Music from a Diehard Needtobreathe fan. I love Jayar on the Joy Fm
  • Needtobreathe strikes again and with an Out of Body Album

    By WanderingKingRJ
    They just keep getting better and better!
  • Love it!!

    By IPlayRobloxEv3ryDay
    One of the best albums yet; my personal favorite is "Who Am I"!
  • Out of Body is more than just an album, it’s an experience.

    By Bboijenkins
    This album is full of some of the best lyrics I’ve ever heard. The band just gets better and better as time passes. I do miss Bo, but for your first album without him, it was incredible, and it’s easily my favorite NEEDTOBREATHE record yet. “You grow your roses on my barren soul.”
  • Grammy worthy

    By Resident Bad#@&
    Absolutely incredible sound! Bears voice only gets better and the band is way more dimensional! Incredible album guys!
  • Out of Body Experience

    By Princesskj2001
    These guys NEVER disappoint! They always deliver on soulFULL music that fills your heart with joy
  • Please go back to your roots.

    By The Blood Taker
    Another disappointing Needtobreathe album. This is more electronic sounding pop that does not inspire like the early albums did. Go back to the formula that you used with The Heat, Outsiders and The Reckoning....that was inspiring heart felt music. The past two albums have been such a disappointment.