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Title Artist Time



    By 901 Prince
    enough said....
  • One of the best folk music

    By Tsknows
    After meeting Sean for the first time the first thing that came to my mind is he has a great voice. His songwriting is incredible. He gave me some good advice how to have better messages in song writing and listening to "If these walls could speak," made it in my top favorite song. Great of everything. Also he's a great guy.
  • Great Album and Even Better Live

    By 07Holmes
    I was at the Folk and Blues Festival at our campus this fall and saw Sean live and he was so energetic, had great lyrics, amazing voice and really knew how to play the guitar. His lyrics are inspired by people, events and you can easily relate to them. He really knows how to get an audience up and dancing-thanks for coming!!!!
  • awesome!!

    By pacific07
    I've seen him play! very talented "How Did You Get There" is a really good song and so true how something like a bad mood can take over and make you something you dont want to be.
  • a real songwriter and performer.

    By Jessie7777
    This album is amazing. Sean McConnell is a great songwriter, and the way he sings the lyrics seems so real. There is so much emotion in the lyrics. I think what I appreciate most is the honesty in his lyrics- there is this real desperate quality to it. The lyrics make you want to stop and think. Very powerful stuff. My favorites are "If These Walls Could Speak" and "Close Enough" but every song is great. 200 Orange St. is a great album too.
  • wierd, but true

    By jaguarplyr00
    i know this is wierd, but its true. one of my best friends is his little cousin! how cool is that?!
  • Great Album

    By jlapplegate
    Sean is a fantastic songwriter and the album has a great feel. This guy could easily be a star very soon.
  • I really love this album

    By Linseyiselectric
    This year I went to fall camp for Young Life and he was playing there. He is amazing, the lyrics and his voice are so great I can't even explain. It's an amazing album.
  • i listen to this once a day

    By borgognoni
    what an amazing cd! sean's songs have much deeper meanings and they truly reflect his relationship with the lord and he isnt afraid to show it. i listen to this cd at least once a day. buy 200 orange street too.