Love the hook❤️
By RCole19
Haters keep it pushing
The lover (not in the weird way)
By B.MnOny
Y do people hate drake, but I love it man
By Ley4gyu
This song on fire! Love it. I don’t really like drake but this is awesome!
The song is great!
By :);)4545 uni
DRAKE is an IDIOT!!!!!!! But nice work DJ K.
These haters crazy. This song fire 🔥
Stupid haters
By PlutoFreak
Why? this song great
Good song!
By TheNewKid:)
Nuff said
I feel like they had the popstar idea from rockstar from DaBaby
By a nom inous gamer tag
So basic
By botboybillys
Not good
Drake ⚡️
By Ahmed Rich
The boy 🗺🗺🗺🗺