Smearing got has spoken
By Raya05
God gave her those lyrics and god bless her she has a beautiful voice đŸ’—it
We lost our son....
By Ang-RN
I have always loved this song and thought of it as when our savior JESUS was torn from his mothers arms for our sins. Now, after our first born "Benjamin Bryan" died after only 26 hours of precious life I get comfort from these words. It is unfair and appaling to expereince such a loss but it is only the begining. We will be reunited again, this I know. Thank you, Natalie for such a beautiful song your voice is amazing. I did not know the true meaning of your words until now.
Love her
By basket ball girl
Wow I am amazed by her voice, her compassion, her devotion, and for her love for God. She is good live and on a sound track she is out of this world.
i love you natalie
By SusanShallEatYourSox
id actually give this song a 4 1/2 but it rounds up 2 a 5!!!!!!
i love you natalie
she rox harder than you
unless your me
By KarateGirl4Jesus
Oh wow I absolutely LOVE this song! I heard it and loved it so I tried to find but I didn't know what it was called and finally I bought Natalie Grant's album Awaken only to find this song on it! It has an amazing message of God's love and care for us. It's also great that it's available for performances. Awesome song! This is a must buy along with her other albums. God bless!!!