
  • Genre:
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Title Artist Time


  • Solid Redemption

    By Finalflash50
    Nobody can hold it against Tycho for wanting to at least try featuring vocals on Weather, but most fans along with myself agreed that it kind of took too much from the absolutely groovy sound that Tycho has. Well this album completely erased any sort of idea that Tycho is falling out. What an astounding release.
  • Loving it

    By JHR77
    Great chill music, love it
  • Well Done

    By Me Mingo
    I’m so glad I discovered Tycho. Makes me happy in a weird nostalgic, childhood memory kind of way. I like to zone out to it but it’s a good accompaniment to anything I’m doing (driving, working, reading, chillaxin, gettin busy, sleeping). This album is SWEET!
  • Really amazing

    By Electric Skydog
    Such beautiful sounding music I’m really glad I found this album! A Big 5 Stars!
  • Waste of money

    By Achtungbaby91u2
    This is an album with songs that have already been released, 3 of the songs have different names but are the instrumental versions of previous songs with singing. Japan(instrumental) = Cyprus Pink and blue(instrumental) = PCH Easy, weather and stress were already released years prior to this album
  • Soundtrack of a Dream

    By McKlausibear
    music for relaxing and recharging . perfect .
  • I like both versions but...

    By westcoastfeller
    I bought this one because I like instrumentals more in general. I could vibe into this version more. So good. Also I don’t stream because I like to actually own good music. For some reason I feel more connected to it when it’s been purchased. It’s probably an ego identity thing haha. It’s mine now, all mine!!
  • You are forgiven

    By eraserewind
    Anyone else see this as an apology for that last album? I do and I forgive you 100%.
  • Ok..but when are the songs going to sound different

    By ultramet
    Monotonous eight notes. Nice but repetitive ambient soundscapes. No Phillip Glass here. Enjoyable but nothing new. Music to type to.
  • Amazing

    By FeRnoir
    Purchased done! And I bought it in vinyl too. Amazing brilliant work!!!