A dream come true
By Annie5wind
This song represented a dream come true for Arashi's international fans. It's so catchy. Turning up with the J-pop!
By uhhleesaa
This song immediately makes me smile. A lot of Arashi music does that to me, but this one just feels different knowing that it's available for everyone around the world to listen to. It's a cheesy song with cheesy lyrics, I won't deny, but that's part of it's charm and part of the reason why I love it. I definitely want to get up and dance!
Finally!! A storm internationally!
By Bekachu<3
I’m so happy they’re finally releasing music internationally!! This is a great track to kick it off!
By SpeedyblueRosebud
I never even heard of this group before, but this song slaps so hard! Music like this is my favorite because it’s so enjoyable, and it makes me wanna dance!
Feel energized
By Casey0605
Can’t love more! You can feel the group spirit inside the music. Thanks for being there! And happy 20th anniversary.
Love ARASHI's First Global Release!
By enjoy083083
Love, love, love ARASHI's Turning Up. So catchy and fun, and I just cannot get enough of it. I've been listening over and over again day and night!
The song for the year
By Lang Chen
The vibe is just right and it brings out the best side of arashi! Gonna look this song for the rest of the year nonstop
Love this song
By Jxhide
Such a fun upbeat catchy song. So glad to see them finally on iTunes. Check out their music video for this song too!
Not typical Arashi style
By tinaning
But great song!
I’m in love with this song!
By Patches107
Another amazing song by Arashi!!! I can’t stop listening and dancing to it! 😍