A great gift
By rosenbridge
Thank you for the gift. What a voice.
Just the best
By lil zasa
Harry Connick is an American treasure. Thank you for sharing your talents with the world.
Average Harry Conick
By johnny sax
Nothing really pops out on me on the CD that I just purchased going through it twice but nothing stands out arrangements sound basic Count Basie style Connick does get a little boring with the singing style
Wow. Just Wow.
By WesHolley
He really did Cole Porter justice. 🎹 I love the arrangements which shine a spotlight on the musicians. 🎼 Excellent musicianship. Don’t forget he is covering songs that are almost 100 years old. ♥️🔥
By Jean9-50
Another winner!! His voice! his timber! Excellent
By Swiftie Swiftie Swiftie
Best of the universe
Not my Taste
By Ravenous19
Just not my kind of music
Amazing as always
By sumlynn
Y’all, it’s HCJ. You know it’s gonna be good. Buy it already.
True Love: A Celebration Of Cole Porter
By jonny baby
Harry Connick, Jr. is one of those outstanding artists that is able to elevate their work to a level above the particular genre they ply their craft. Even if one is not a particular fan of jazz, play a piece from one of the many releases of Connick';s and it makes one stop what they are doing and just listen.
Why then do I find this album leaning toward being a bit less satisfying than his other works?
It certainly is not because of anything less than stellar work by Mr. Connick. Or Mr. Porter!
The album is plagued by a slight but annoying sound of over production. Too many elements with no room for any of the subtle and satisfying individual variations Connick is able to impart to a song.
By gortmull
This materpiece has Frank Sinatra enblazoned all over it. Mr. Connick takes us back and does it superbly.