Back at it..
By johnnoy008
His star keeps shining bright, another great album from the man.
just so so
By JB8tunes
Nothing special here, sounds like a 100 other bands, lost is his sound
Love it, Pete is back! Need more!
By olyzagman
Brings me back to his first two albums
By TucsonGiants
Just a great album. One of those that you can start on track one and go all the way to the end without skipping.
By ton ton
This release from Pete is his best yet. Love the words andthe arrangements. Bravo Pete you da man!!
In His Top Three Best!
By RetiredLawyer2021
I love all of his work, but Musicforthrmorningafter and Day I Forgot are my personal favorites. This one is up there.
By Thirdwoz
Shuffled through songs and all really sound alike. Jangly guitar with same type chords and predictable. Not bad but just bleh.
Pete delivered his best!
By roonster1
I've been listening to Pete Yorn for many years - he's delivered some terrific tunes but I have to say I think he delivered his best complete album yet! So good - the more I listen the better it gets.
Pete Yorn/ Caretakers
By aural fix
This album is magical from start to finish. Light up some incense, put on your headphones or slap on the vinyl, and listen to this album as a whole. You won’t be disappointed. Best album of 2019. Great job PY!!
This is the perfect PETE!
From the very start of Calm Down you get a joyous ethereal mix of 'Life on a Chain' (Music for the Morning After) with 'Paradise Cove' (Back & Fourth) with 'Lost Weekend' (Arranging Time) a dabble of 'The Man' (Nighcrawler). and some 'Pass me by' (Day I forgot). Then, you must give 'Opal' a listen and you'll see that Pete could have taught the Beach Boys how to make 'God Only Knows' an even better track if released today. You'll just want to wander around and reflect on your life for a while keeping your earbuds in and the song on repeat. Caretakers is an album that ends with 'Try' an inspiration message encouraging you to just make your own decisions and find fulfillment from doing so: "If there's times when you're not listening...just because you're overwhelmed...when the world has let you down...and you give it a rest...make it up to yourself...maybe take your own advice...won't you try?" I love CARETAKERS because it's a combination of the greatest goosebump sounds from Pete's entire collection of albums and it's so nice when an incredible artist like Pete sticks to what he is---he is Pete Yorn, his voice is Pete Yorn, his guitar is Pete Yorn, his lyrics are Pete Yorn, and, nobody else sounds like Pete Yorn. The problem with our music industry today is that Pete Yorn should be heard and known by everybody. There are so many songs on this album and all of his others that should have been heard everywhere. PETE--thank you for this release and I hope you add East Coast dates to your October tour. If there were more than 5-stars, I'd be clicking it. I'd click an entire constellation if I could. Rock on!