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Title Artist Time


  • Thanks, Vince

    By GooberGump
    Really appreciate all of what you did with this album.
  • Buy the WHOLE album

    By adcFlorida
    What wonderful songs from beginning to end. Vince Gill is a master of his craft and it shines through in this album. This IS country music.
  • Very Emotional!

    By Boricua0729
    I am NOT a country music fan, but when I heard excerpts of this CD on KPBS, I told myself I have to hear more. I recently purchased Okie on vinyl and I was right, I LOVE this record. It struck a chord (no pun intended) with me as I listened to the powerful lyics. Forever Changed and When My Amy Prays are my favorites but the whole record is GREAT! This is actually my first pure country record I have in my collection and I was NOT disappointed. Thanks Vince.
  • Awesome talent for the ages!!!

    By RedDougherty
    I fell in love with my future wife to “Whenever you come around” and we have been together for 25 years, every anniversary every country drive every moment with here is the blessing of a lifetime and if I could afford it I would hire Vince rinsing here this awesome ballad for our 25th and that’s in 4/5/23. Great artist!
  • Real Country Music

    By Josue2019
    Now this is country music, featuring Vince's gifted angelic voice. Today's stars have so much to learn from this country great!
  • Brilliant!

    By Ex- Airbnb-er
    The first time I heard Vince Gill, all those years ago, I said out loud "wow! what a great guitarist... and that voice!" but I'm ashamed to admit I did not fully appreciate his songwriting until this record. "Nothin' Like a Guy Clark Song" literally had me chuckling, crying my eyes out and reminding me how much this world misses Guy. I recently learned that Mr. Gill and Rodney Crowell are good friends.. maybe its a coincidence that Rodney's new album Texas is my other favorite album of 2019 ? Maybe not... Honestly, I would call this a masterpiece... and would recommend it to anyone who appreciates great musical storytelling.
  • The Real Deal

    By iuieydhh
    The Real Deal!
  • Thank you! Love this!

    By tlearn49
    I've been a huge Vince Gill fan for decades. His music has gotten me through many of life's experiences over the years. This album took me back to some of the sweetest memories and toughest challenges in my life. "When My Amy Prays" is such an emotional song and one of my favorites. Thank you! Love this! #smoothassilk
  • Forever Changed

    By Landon hmu
    Trying to catch my breath. THANK-YOU ... For EVERY WORD. Thank-you.
  • Another great album by a great artist!

    By Crazy in Kalamazoo
    Vince Gill just keeps getting better with age. Like George Strait he never has a bad song! Real country by the greats!