Even better then the original!!!
By Tjstar2099
It’s not very often that a rerelease of a song outdoes the original, but this does it...in spades!!! Shine down is one of those bands that can touch your heart, however they play. This song, especially, with it’s message of fighting on after losing something important to you,has, and will always be, near the top of my playlist, to inspire me when I need it. And now, with this version, I can honestly say that when I need to be inspired, and I have to get my tears out,THIS is the song I’m going to!!! Happy B-day attention attention,...you’ve gotten me through the last year, and I look forward to the years to come, especially with this version. And to the guys, of you read these: THANKS, for never compromising your sound just for appeal, because to me, that sound IS the appeal, and always will be!!! Thanks for the album as a whole, and this new version of a timely, and most important song for this, or any generation. Rock on, now and 4ever!!!