Not out yet, but already heard it.
By Bloo kid lover
This is a new song of Kyary's and I have heard it online, but it is not the best of hers. Don't get me wrong, this is a really good song, but it is not her best. If you haven't heard it, it is similar to the new songs of hers like Otono Kuni, or an older one like Ninja Re Bang Bang.
I like the song, but the beat is kind of repetitive, and it is not one of her most creative songs. This is one of her songs that (while still is catchy) it doesn't feel like it has as big and loud of a sound as some of her songs. Despite that, I still like the song, so I pre-ordered it.
I saw on the track list that it says that it only comes with this one song, but I hope it (like many of her singles) comes with an extended version or an instrumental, or something along with it, and not just the single.
This review is WAY longer than I expected, but I hope it was helpful?