God with us, is in my top ten, for sure.
By CWoods04
I hear the sound of Immanuel, and I am reminded of God, his Son, who lived among us, being creator of all forms of life, and the physical realm we see. The earth and space, and all it’s beauty. The Creator enters into his own creation, in the form of a man.(John 1:1-14) And in the promise of eternal life, we are being made holy, by the Spirit of God. To be conformed into the likeness of his own character. The perfect image and manifestation of agape(Love), The Son, God in the flesh. Jesus(Yahweh saves/Matthew 1:21). And in our weakness to do so, we are reminded of his grace, and his forgiveness, to turn to him in repentance from sin, and to his way. In our sanctification, as we walk, we can look forward to our glorification, in our resurrected bodies to experience the absolute fullness of Immanuel, in another sense. God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, with us. Forever.