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Title Artist Time


  • Amazing!

    By FNM92
    The band has shown great growth since their last album (which was awesome). Bornless, President X, Surrender, Blackout ... I could go on. Top to bottom this is heavy, catchy and at times pretty dark. Do yourself a favor and buy this now!
  • Great album

    By Dadddddddggfg
    I love this album from the first song to the last. A very good album all the way through. I’ve never listen to this band before and the first time I was really impressed.
  • Fantastic Album Start to Finish!

    By nascentia
    Industrial music basically dropped wholly off the radar for a solid decade or more but 3teeth have helped drag it right back to amazing relevance. They continue to grow on Metawar - the addition of Justin on live drums makes for a bigger, more metal sound, and Andrew adding bass guitar in helps the rhythm and bass overall get much deeper and nastier. Lex’s vocals are also getting clearer and better as he continues to push himself. This album is excellent and I love that they’re growing and expanding their sound without selling it out or deviating from their niche. They’re three for three in my books. This album bangs.
  • Absolute Banger

    By Levi Z
    3teeth continues to evolve with their 3rd installment in their discography. More down tuned guitar, heavy bass, melodic synths, and dark vibes with the telling of a world vs world story. This is the future of industrial metal. If you like Ministry, Fear Factory, Rammstein, Nine inch Nails, Skinny Puppy; this is for you. If you don’t, stick to your core safe zone because your not ready for this.
  • Industrial excellence

    By Coastal Edward
    Nice work guys - this is on heavy rotation!
  • The Next Step

    By Trinity Molly
    I've been following 3Teeth for four or five years now, and have always enjoyed their sound. This is heavier, angrier, and more political than ever--and I love it. This album is proof that the band is maturing and it knows exactly where it is going. The cover of "Pumped Up Kicks" is the industrial gun diatribe that the world needs right now. Excellent work, guys.
  • 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

    By JenGoth
    3TEETH is on fire. This album makes me want to start a fight club.
  • 10/10

    By SteeleZK
    This is an absolutely solid album all the way around. Every track is crushing and powerful in its own way. I especially love the Pumped Up Kicks cover, such a unique sound.
  • Love it!

    By RikkaJ
    Yet another amazing album, from a great band! Great job guys!! 🖤
  • The excellence continues!

    By Cage The Ace
    At first I was feeling that the 3rd album by 3TEETH was headed more in a metal direction, but having the opportunity to listen to it in its entirety they definitely have maintained their industrial core. It’s hard to pick a favorite so far.