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Title Artist Time


  • Fantastic Album That Grows On You

    By Kcirdnehe
    I listened to Bibio in college but haven't really listened to his music in years. After hearing about this new album, I decided to listen to his music again and I'm so glad. Honestly, this album is amazing. The songs all just flow and I love how it's a mix of instrumental and singing. I like all of the songs (there really isn't one that I skip) and I've had it on repeat for several months now. This is probably one of my favorite albums of 2019 (though the Lumineers' and Hozier's new albums might give it some competition).
  • Very decent record.

    By mwimwits
    Picked this up on vinyl RSD 2019! ^~^ Bibio knows his stuff when it comes to music producing and experimenting, and Ribbons is a true mark of it. He knocks it out of the park with some nice laden acoustics and a small mix of synths. Definite highlight out of the whole album is Curls.
  • Perfect Album for Springtime

    By Michelle T.
    I’ve been an avid listener of Bibio’s music, and I can tell he’s truly found his signature sound. It’s like he’s taken his entire catalogue so far, and put it into this album. This is perfect for springtime vibes, and puts me at ease. If nature has a soundtrack, it’s definitely Bibio. Take a walk into nature, smell some flowers and put on this album.
  • Thank you!

    By your dentist
    Awesome. Peaceful. Contemplative. Spiritual. Intelligent. Thank you for making such beautiful music.
  • No words

    By billybattle
    This guy knows what he’s doing. Follows no trends, writes on genuine experiences and influences of nature and life. One of the top songwriters of our time in my opinion. Hit play on track one and let it roll.
  • Sounds like it's from 1973...

    By Jakub G
    ...in a GOOD way. Hazy, washed out afternoon sun on a lazy afternoon.