Love this song!
By @🏐❤️
SOULful music
By BITW357
John Legend, maybe John IS A LEGEND. His music evokes memories, messages, and emotions. THIS one has the ability to do all three plus more. If you’re a singer, it makes you want to sing to the heavens. If you’re trying to make changes, this song was written for you. Good music makes you listen, tap your hands or feet, or can make you move. Great music makes you do all of that plus it will make you think. Timeless music makes you FEEL. THIS song is truly timeless.
By BedTundy43
He can sing but he’s not relevant. His only hit will always continue to be all of you
By Jeffrey1155
Great message, Melody and of course vocals! Absolutely beautiful. My 2nd favorite song of his after All of me.
Love it!❤️🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾😇😇😇
By Dorothy2017
This song is amazing! I love it so much! What a powerful message!❤️❤️❤️❤️ I have a dream to be a contemporary dancer and people like John Legend show me that I can! This song touches me every single time and it is one of those songs that will NEVER get old for me! By the way, Chile Please11, you should really take a look in the mirror and ask yourself, would I like it if someone said that about me? Sometimes us humans say mean things because we are jealous. God is living inside of each and every one of us, so when u say mean things about and to people, that is saying mean things to God! Don’t hate, appreciate!
By mrstevenkyle
So much power!!!
A literal legend
By Chickenladylover
He is such a beautiful soul, and this song shows it
Willie M
By W. James
Awesome call to action.
Go good
By Alx101
Don’t listen to the triggered Trump supporters who are mad John is outspoken with his beliefs. This song is beautiful.
By Walkingdeadgirl1989