By Aqranhym
A girl wrote this Despacio but he sang it. Would it sound better if she sang it?
By chickabee🐝
There’s 2 Despacitos…??
Best song ever
By jdjdisjdndjjejd
You know it can be better if they added more lyrics to the song and the song is good but not that good
Love it
By Mz Originator
I really like ur songs ♥️♥️♥️😎😎😎
By oooooooo pretty puppies
Despacito is a good song. I like it. I met Fonsi because I went to The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon and there was a backstage pass on the floor right next to me that nobody around me even saw. Lol 😂. He sang Imposible. It was really cool. Imposible is my second fav song by him, but everyone knows what my fav song by Fonsi is. Despacito. Duh. Jimmy is SO cool, but I prefer Fonsi more COOLER than him
Si SI!! Amor:)
By dont save the turdles
Ok im not really spainish but this song its so good i hope el tacobelle county wont sue me
Nice song 👍❤️
By cat35734
I love this song and I actually like it even more when Bieber is in it 🔥
Justin bro just got to college and retire
By ypu guys are cool
Bro Justin your time as a singer is up you ruin everything you are in the song is better without you in them and at the same time you need to go make friends in college bro like you really make people want to🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮like it had to stop bro you not that guy no more when you were a kid you are a full grown adult just retire. Plus you make the album look bad and then I bet the album would have been at five stars if you weren’t in the song you make people cry now a days.
By Forty years ago
Whoever hates despacito needs to stop it is 2023 get over it and you need to start giving this song a thumbs up
By jsbdhdbc
Still kind of a banger to this day have no idea what any of it means except one word