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Title Artist Time


  • BB Concert on Tour 1968

    By mediafreakster
    Wish this was released a physical media(sorry Apple). Obviously this is for completist/fetishistic BB fans(count me in). I thought the recording mix was excellent, the BB celestial vocals are cranked up front & center & crisp in the mix, the audience is(blessedly) barely audible and the instrumentation is well presented, espoecially the bass. The room acoustics are so "small" sometimes you think they're playing in front of 50 people. 60 buck s is a crazy amount to spend though to spend on downloads- cherry pick the best versions(they're lots of repeats)and skip the rest.
  • Overkill?

    By still BB
    Great stuff for sure, but how many versions does a person need? I have already worn out my Beach Boys In Concert stuff, which is probably all one needs of their live shows.