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Title Artist Time


  • Horrible

    By Rafjose
  • Big big big mistake of il voló to made this cd with Emilio Estefan

    By cuab1973
    El Grabar canciones con Gloria Estefan le quita calidad al disco ellos deberían mejor grabar con Céline Dion o otra persona de su altura no con personas que ya no se escuchan Also Emilio Estefan it’s not for il voló if they continue with Emilio Estefan I’m not will buy anything else from il voló This message it’s for il voló you going to loss money with Emilio Estefan and Gloria I can’t believe that you let Emilio made a cd for you guys
  • A band that sticks to one genre is unoriginal

    By Hsjaksnsksjakalsmfndkw
    I LOVE that Il Volo is willing to try different genres than what they were made famous for. In fact, it’s the reason they’re one of my favorites! A band that branches out to other genres is a band with TALENT! And not only that, this album SLAPS. Listen to it, love it, and ignore the people who can’t handle variety in their lives...
  • No comments

    By Alex EspinosaC
    Emilio Estefan is not for il volo. Ugly music....
  • Amame

    By r2o3s7e
    Expected great this is pathetic. Not worth the wait for this cd. I have other cds by Il Volo; because they have talent - not anymore.
  • What Were They Thinking?

    By BruceSTL
    I am a big fan of Il Volo and their music. There is no doubt they have talent. Now they release this CD produced by Gloria Estefan's husband Emilio Estefan. I understand they want to try something new but really, what were they thinking? They no longer sound like Il Volo. I really wanted to like this CD. I tried to like it. I have listened to it many times and the more I listen to it the more I grow to dislike it. They are over-produced and their vocals are drowned out. And worse yet - I love Gloria Estefan. So I must regrettably state that on all fronts this is an epic failure.
  • Great Voices — WASTED!!

    By turtles55
    I think part of growing as an artist is to try new things and think outside the box. But they legit went beyond outside the box and tried something that just does NOT showcase their voices and talents in my personal opinion. I know they are young and want to try upbeat, new sounds but, you can’t hear them. So sad!!! Guess we will just wait for the next one and hope for something of substance that shows what AMAZING singers they really are. #sad #pissapointed
  • How can you NOT like it?!?!

    By Jsonjo
    Awesome Latin music!!! I dont understand how some people cant like it. Their first album had several songs in español soooo👀 why is everyone mad now? Great job Il Volo and I look forward to the live songs with the new music. All three sound great but im so happy Piero is able to adapt to the songs because i feared he was a classical singer only. Lovely voice Piero!
  • Huge fan not happy with this installment...

    By NeeleyFam
    I was excited to see they had a new album. I have all of their previous albums but I don't like any of the songs enough to spend money on this album. Maybe it's time to go back to the basics of what made you awesome. Great voices that don't rely on noisy/busy music and electronicized voice effects. Thank you for all the awesome music in the past! I thought this one would be good with all the time that was taken to produce it.
  • Voices still great

    By Dicidicidici
    They don't need to get on the reaggaeton bandwagon. They are way more talented than this album. I want to hear their voices not that tired reaggaeton beat.