It’s Okay For A Legend
They called it “Disco”. But there has been “Dance Music” every Decade! Since the invention of the Grammaphome: 1920s was “The Charleston” 1930-1940s “Ballroom Dancing” with “The Big Bands” 1950s was “The Jitterbug”, 1960s “Go-Go Dancers”, “The Twist” 1970s R&B Funk Dancing, Classic Rock Dancing, Disco towards the end of the 70s and in 1982-84 Someone named Madonna always had Dance Songs that went to #1 On the Pop Charts till Present. 1990-2022 Rap/Hip-Hop/Trap/EDM All Dance Music! They change the beat & the name to Protect the innocent. But it is still considered DANCE MUSIC. Disco never died. The NAME did though. Has anyone “TWIRKED” or is that “TRAP” Dance Music Now.