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Title Artist Time


  • Great! Very underrated!

    By Hassan Azi
    I personally love the music on this album! Highly underrated for Queen Janet. I’d love this album and the first to go platinum!
  • Janet’s most lackluster effort

    By Robert T. Koehler
    Janet Jackson had virtually no control over her first two albums, and she has long ignored them. While her self-titled debut had artistic merit, Dream Street is just a mess. The songs aren’t well produced, and don’t fit Janet’s personality or style. The only two tracks I somewhat enjoy are “Don’t Stand Another Chance” and “Fast Girls”. The single to “Fast Girls” had a B-Side track titled “French Blue” - which is better than the majority of the tracks on Dream Street. The style here is a kind of mishmash between R&B and 80s synthesizer pop, but it just doesn’t work.