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Title Artist Time


  • Underrated KISS

    By jcollins1305
    Animalize was a strange time for KISS. After the departure of Ace Freely, and replacement Vinnie Vincent, the lead guitar slot fell to talented newcomer Mark St. John. The album only had one hit single (Heaven's on Fire) but has many good points. The guitar work is excellent, and Eric Carr's drumming is amazing as always. A few nice harmonies, and some cool fretwork make this an enjoyable mid 80's KISS album.
  • Great Album

    By Tim Someone
    The great lead guitarist on this album was Mark Saint John who elevated the guitar playing of Kiss on this album. It’s not as simple as the other albums as far as the rhythm or lead guitar playing. In my opinion this is their best album, more technical and faster leads. Mark Saint John brought this album to life with his outstanding playing. I’ve been playing guitar, writing music and lyrics for over 30 years. Plus one album that was on the radio and sold in Best Buy and Target Stores.
  • 👍👍

    By HOTESTgirl21
    Eric Carr on the first track just shredding with Bruce. Eric Singer likes the double bass too. Wish they’d take the make up off and spend energy on music instead of show. They are getting old. I think it’s time.
  • Great album !!!

    By MetalRiffGod
    Probably the best album of the 80’s KISS you will find. All the songs are pretty solid and enjoyable. Fun to listen too and brings back great memories !!!!
  • Great album!

    By Breathoflife95
    This is a really good album. Maybe one of their best! Thrills in the Night really shines, while the whole middle to late section seems to be some of greatest songwriting. Idk, maybe it’s just me, but I find this a great listen.