Good song, mediocre performance
By Showblox
I feel like he could have done better. This song is still great, but his voice sounds a little weirdly high-pitched. I still like the song, though, and I’m giving it 5 stars because I love Elton anyways😎
I’m still standing
By Alpha lover 🖤
Haha take that my ex I love this song because I played this for my cheater of a bf haha 😂 he though I would cry over him he was wrong
One of my favorite albums!
By Guardian Elm
One of my favorite Albums from Elton John. I was a young man living in England when this Album came out. I purchased this Album on Cassette tape and would play it on my drives back and forth from work. A US citizen serving his Country in Europe, “Forever I was Young!” Prayers for my Mother, “One more Arrow!” And, by the way I could sing identical with Elton John. I Still can.
R S Drapo, Alabama.
Great Elton John Record
By Belgrade21
Besides the obvious hits a few more songs stand out.
Saint is great and nicely leads into the brilliant One More Arrow. Cold As Christmas is another hidden gem.
The title track is awesome and has a nice piano solo.
One of my favorite records of all time.
By The Local Foreigner
Elton in the 80’s
2 stars is stretching it, but there are a couple of good tracks. Elton was brilliant in the 70’s with all his music. It’s was hard to top that decade for him.