By studly wonder
An old Sailor when I was in Navy introduced me to this album I was 18 and fresh outa boot…. I’m 57 now and still one of my favorites
Under The Radar
By Stills Fan 01
Even among EJ fans this album is not all that well known. I was introduced to this album in 1972. I was in a college library listening room. A guy asked me if I was an Elton John fan (in 1972 he still wasn't what he would become). I said yes I am. He handed me Tumbleweed Connection to listen to. It has been perhaps my favorite of Elton and Bernie's accomplishments ever since.
long time fan, new, basically to ' Tubleweed Connection'
Besides the couple of well known songs from this album, really didn't know to much about it til now.
Checked it out thru the samples, wow.. a real ALBUM, like they use to make lol
Actually came here from a Nancy Wilson shout out bout this record, glad I Did !
Tumbleweed Connection
By 🎼✌️🎼
This in my opinion is the VERY BEST album Elton John put out.
By PunkoMusic
This is Elton John's greatest album. Tumbleweed is a flawless collection of songs by Elton and Bernie. The Western theme inspired something in their writing and in Elton's playing & singing. Gus Dudgeon's production is also stellar. This is quite simply a masterpiece.
Vintage Elton & Bernie
By Retsub60
Ranks at the top in terms of classic Elton and Bernie. They don't make "albums" like this any more. So thankful for digital recordings. Awesome mix of lyrics and music, studio sound. Lie back, put on the favorite headphones and enter the time machine.
By Trust and Us
By chconly
One of the best albums I’ve heard.
Best of the best
By orioleway5
So much great work by Elton and Bernie in the 1969-73 period, but this is so complete and conceptually-strong. To me it’s the best LP.
Beautiful melody
By Yankee-girl
Been years since I heard this album. The memories!!!