
  • Genre:
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Title Artist Time


  • Just awful

    By Jeepinoldman
    Volbeat has lost their way. They’ve forgotten why people liked them to begin with. They’re just a bubble gum pop band now.
  • ❤️

    By Trust and Us
  • Great

    By brady r creasy
    Love the album
  • Scorchbolt is an idiot

    By Blackhawk0223
    This was a phenomenal album, scorchbolt is a complete idiot, who does what the internet tells her to do.
  • Awesome album

    By Big O_
    Loved this album. Very solid album. Seal the Deal is the best song on the album. Also love The Bliss and Goodbye Forever. Devil’s Bleeding Crown And Black Rose are pretty awesome too. The covers aren’t bad either.
  • Melodic

    By Baseballl Dude
    After the phenomenal Outlaw Gentlemen, Volbeat doubled down their melodic side on Seal the Deal & Let's Boogie, with sleeker production and writing every song in E major. There are a few heavier moments, as well as [spoiler!] a surprise bagpipe solo in the exceptional Loa's Crossroad. Some of this album's best moments actually come from the less-heavy fare: witness Mary Jane Kelly and Goodbye Forever.
  • What happened...

    By ScorchBolt
    I know it’s been a long time since this album came out, but I’ve been relistening to the first four albums that Volbeat put out the past couple days since they announced a new album coming in August of 2019. I decided to come back and relisten to the samples of the songs on this album only to be disappointed all over again. I honestly think they forgot what made them special to the rock scene and decided to just try and be more of a pop rock band. I’m long past hoping for these guys to rock hard again, but I can’t imagine their upcoming album being any worse than this one was.