It’s a good time
By Joey_Haske
Easy on the ears
Good harmonies
All the stupid comments! lol
By nk63
a Masterpiece, The Legacy. The maestro = Brian Wilson. timeless, compassionate and touching. Always funny to laughable reading these ingorant "what's the hype about it?" "it's a junk" comments LOL - Ask sir Paul McCartney. GET IT, DUMMY!!!
The best beach boys album
By behaviorbunny
This album is art in itself and with withstand the test of time. The Beach Boys were so much more than summer vibes
58 years
By Jimi Bob
It only took 58 years, but I got here. I was 12 when this album and some of the greatest music ever was being made. Thankful to live in the album age. Thankful to have my music collection. Headphones on, push play, close eyes; still 12. Magic!
By wdurr2011
God only knows why this album gets SO hyped
It Grows On You, Right?
By music city citizen
I was given this as a Christmas gift a few years after its initial release. It came out in a 3 LP set by Capitol which also included Summer Days and The Beach Boys Today. My standout track on all 3 vinyl records was "California Girls." I didn't really take to Pet Sounds right away. But over the years, anytime I want to get into its special mood, I can give it another listen. It grows on you, right? And the a cappella version of Pet Sounds on the "Good Vibrations - 30 Years of the Beach Boys" box set is outstanding. Now that I DID take to right away. One story - I met Brian Wilson on the streets of NYC when they played Central Park, and I shook his hand, and all I could think of in my head was, "This is the guy who wrote Pet Sounds." Even though at that time I was not a big fan of Pet Sounds. I guess my sub-conscious took over my mind.
A masterpiece
By RT review
One of the greatest albums of all time.
Few Better
By Dolf Dolf
One of the greatest music groups with one of their greatest, and one of the greatest, albums ever. It’s inspired from beginning to end. The melodies and harmonies are uncompromised and the album stands the test of time.
By Txtech1997
This is awful
The Beach Boys
By jestinnoguera
Best album ❤️