Where’s “What Do You Want From Me”?!?!
By pseudopsyche
Why doesn't this include the song "What Do You Want From Me" on this album? Refuse to purchase it without that song!
Best band ever.
Rehab is by far my favorite band of all time. They are completely underrated and the word needs to get out about them. The broke down genre barriers and have created an amazing sound that is all their own. In addition, I have had the pleasure of meeting the band on tour many times. They are very humble hard working guys.
Lyrical genius
By Shiflet EA
Won’t find more thoughtful yet fun lyrics. This is only one example of what Danny Boone does.
How is the song ‘what do you want from me’ not on itunes at all!?!?
By Kaylasouthern
I was willing to purchase the entire album but it’s stupid to have the song. It’s the only reason i will not purchase it now.
song missing 2
By Evan Vasquez
would rate higher if song was added wht d u wnt frm me?