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Title Artist Time


  • Poesía

    By starsurfer
    With the banality of much of pop music's lyrics, it's a wonder that there haven't been more artists choosing the verses of either contemporary or traditional poets. In English, this has happened from time to time, most notably with the poetry of Robert Frost, though the poet himself was very stingy with how his poetry would be interpreted musically. In Marti's case, he is not around to be able to comment, but I believe he would be honored by this tribute from one of Cuba's most imminent "cantantes rebeldes." With nothing but a guitar, a concerned voice, and a poet's lyrics, Pablo Milanés explores territory for the most part unfamiliar to pop music. This marriage works best with the poems that carry the most pathos: "Yo soy un hombre sincero," "Poética" & "El enemigo brutal." Given the weight of repression suffered by the Cuban people over the years from within as well as from the north, there has to be a number of poets whose lyrics need to be sung, recorded, and disseminated throughout the world as testament to the will of Cubans everywhere.
  • Pablo Milanes Canta a Jose Marti

    By maulioes
    It's excellent !!!