By somewhat mariah fan
Awesome remix👍
Excellent remix
By Mzstakenkat
I have to admit I didn’t care for this at first, but it grew on me. Then I heard the remix. Perfect 80s nod made modern!
By chumpa17
I agreed with whack
By Campbema
This band is dead to me
Wow, just wow
By Cyborg_Feline
I like how Brut and Cardinal Copia have assimilated the sounds of disco and ghoulishly merged them with metal and rock. Although, even Kiss has done in the Seventies (I Was Made for Lovin’ You instantly comes to mind), this remix is quite refreshing and unexpected (even though it shouldn’t really be the case since Ghost has toured with Carpenter Brut in the past...like maybe two years ago). Anyhow, this is especially refreshing in stark contrast to synthwave tracks that previously and currently heavily rely on tropes from the Eighties (obviously, this also applies to mainstream acts that also have tried to make retro music that is evocative of the 1980’s).
A dance song with even more dance added!
By thegreatkaty
Love the remix by Carpenter Brut, nice work. A fun track.
By Neighborhoodie
Carpenter Brut took a song I didn’t really care for and made me like it. The whole album should be remixed like this.
By dankfellow
Ghost: *makes an 80’s themed song*
Ghost: *makes it more 80’s*