Really nice
By DontBeThatGuyBro
By Spaceace9671
This is a very nice piece of music but it sure sounds a little like Beth, I hear you calling. I can't come home right now, me and the boy's are playn'..........I love my Spaceman but it's a little too close.....
By 312chic
Out if this world! Ace knows how to rock!
Good album
By Lehcim08091
Solid album from ACE. So far Without you I'm nothing is my favorite track.Find it amusing how many negative reviews for this album are dated before it was released. Some people got a very early copy or they never listened to the album and just want to crap on it.
Ace keeps getting better and better
By Grandpop Rocker
Are these fans? reviewers for real? Tommy Thayer a better musician than Ace ! Are you insane? Ace's singing isn't what it used to be? While still not a great singer he is a million times better than his vocals on his 1978 solo record. Ace should retire? WHAT!!!!! Ace's solo stuff juat keeps getting better and better. from Anomaly through Spaceman each is better than the last. And on his Origins Vol 1, in most cases he outdoes the original!!! His guitar playing is better than it's ever been!!! Wow and you people think u know good/great music???
Fractured Garbage
By 2,000 Man
This album is pure Butt. Recycled riffs and the worst lyrics on earth and in space. Stick to the ‘78 solo album and you’ll be a-ok 👌🏽
Not a singer
By chienhut68
Ace can’t sing his way out of a ripped paper bag. Buy this album if the last 2 of your 4 brain cells work.... god awful.....
Even Worse Than You'd Expect
By The Bradleyss
Pretty awful.
By DocDanvers
Love Frehleys Comets stuff from the late ‘80s. Was hoping for more of the same, but not even close. Songs are slow and sloppy.
Somethings never get better
By Thor Endbringer
Ace is one of my earliest inspirations, but it’s time to hang it up. Stuck in the 70’s. His voice ain’t what it used to be and the songwriting, while I appreciate telling a story, is dated and elementary. I love you Ace but the glory days are done.