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Title Artist Time


  • An amazing album.

    By skelator1993
    I heard his work first on ABGT and fell in love with Immortal Lover. This album is an amazing combination of haunting and melodic melodies and I am in love with it. Keep it up Andrew.
  • Phenomenal work

    By reddbear
    Expect the unexpected from Andrew! This album is saturated with feeling and emotion. It FLOWS like a real album, and there's no 'filler'. Wonderfully musical and progresive. Beautlful and poignant and stunning work here.
  • Amazing

    By Grosh76
    One of the best albums to come out in years. He did a great job working with both singers to craft some amazing lyrics. Just a very powerful album.
  • Amazing.

    By ShadowD793
    Yes, the whole album is pretty slow, but there’s so many epic parts in it that it all goes together and is just perfect. Totally love it
  • Amazing

    By So mad🙁
    This is pure art. So much feelings, it will make your heart stop. This is the kind of music that everyone should listen to, get relaxed and relive the moment.
  • Amazing!

    By Bumpin80
    Absolutely phenomenal album from start to finish. This will be on replay for a while!
  • Sleepy music

    By Eflozzz
    I typically get hyped when I’m driving with friends in the car and listening to Mr. Bayer’s music. We listened to this entire album on a short road trip and upon getting to our destination, almost everyone is asleep in the car. Die hard/hype fans will say this album is “fire” but I’ve been around Anjuabeats for over a decade and this album is one of the worst I’ve come across. Won’t be recommending this to anyone as they will think I am depressed or something. I know people will say to wait for the club mixes etc, but I’ll delete this album for now... #sadmusic