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Title Artist Time


  • Back with force Epic vocal and song writing

    Amazing and always knew how to keep their fans wanting more!!!!
  • Haters going to hate...

    By MJM13
    Nice to have Live back in my life. Can’t wait to hear the new album. Glad you guys mended fences.
  • LIVE is back and better than ever!

    By Babymandm
    The group LIVE is back and better than ever with their new single "Love Lounge". They're music has so much meaning to me personally and I am happier than ever to have a new single by the band. This song is not too heavy, but gives just enough rock to really get you going. Sounds like they never left us, even though it's been over a decade. Can't wait for the new album and to see them in concert next month! Thank you guys for another great song! See you soon in Hershey!
  • Really?

    By theLizard.13
    We waited 10 years for this? F*** Ed. Bring back Chris Shinn. Hell...get back with Kevin Martin and Sean Hennessy and give us more of The Gracious Few.
  • Live has returned!

    By tmk0577
    As an avid Live fan since the 90’s, I was devastated when the band broke up. I was on the Ed side of the music and enjoyed his solo work. Love Lounge is the magic of all of Live; hard beat, great lyrics, catchy chorus. To me it is the natural progression from angsty I Alone in the 90’s to a more mature rock sound! Can’t wait for an album and to see them in August!!
  • Love Lounge

    By slynlu
    Awesome song!!
  • Live is back!

    By SJN1279
    Great new single. Nice to see the guys still making great music after a long layoff. Ready for more!

    By Freaks4LIVE
    Again great sound very excited to see there full length al um just happy these guys are togther again, I am a huge fan of LIVE and will always be!
  • Amazing

    By JRizzie
    Rocking song.. Can’t wait for the album!
  • Was better off solo

    By The High Rollers
    Disappointing. Ed was putting out great solo stuff there, and figured the band getting back together meant great things. Based on this song, thats a flat out no for now. Just an odd beat and melody, along with just awkward lyrics. Either go old school, or stick to the solo stuff. This new attempt just isn’t working