
  • Genre:
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Title Artist Time


  • Aja deserves more credit

    By MarieArita413
    Aja made an amazing album, I think she deserves way more credit. She gave us a different genre in dry music than most do, and she deserves much more than what she’s getting. Love the album, hail the KWEEN
  • Almost threw my back out.

    By DannyBoyCA
    BEWARE. Aja is gonna make you twerk.
  • 11 out of 10

    By KoreyChime
    This EP went above and beyond what I ever expected 💗 I can only imagine what the actual album will sound like 😍😍😍 I can’t wait!!!! @KoreyChimes 😜💗⭐️ #AjaWasRobbed
  • Gay Culture Savior!!!!

    By Pancho0240
    This album is the perfect album that allows everyone to channel masculinity and feminity all at once. living my fantasy. thats KWEEN
  • Lipsync for your LEGACY

    By relright
    This EP makes me feel my jush and jam out in my car and it’s only been one day. Aja’s music makes me feel powerful and confident so it’s the perfect thing to listen to on my way to work. Now level up ladies.
  • #MOOD! This EP is Sickening Boots The House Down Underground

    By BoyDonatella
    I love this EP, the beats, the lyrics, the visuals. Aja can work that mouth. I have Ayo Sis and Finish Her on repeat. All you kids need to tap that $5.94 button like ASAP..... I’m serious. TAP IT!
  • Ayo Sis! Aja came to bring it!

    By Felipe Vazquez
    Love this EP can’t wait for more from her!
  • Ayo sis!!

    By Sindorei.Prince
    This ep was everything I was hoping for!!! I hope we get more!!
  • Ma!!!

    By Mrbillzz
    Aja just slayed the children with this EP. this is how you do music America! Facts are facts.
  • 😍

    By StephanieHoran
    It’s perfect. It’s beautiful. It sounds like Linda Evangelista.