Superb Ace song
By Boucaria
Great song.catchy from the first play. If you love classic Kiss and classic Ace then you will love this brilliant tune. No doubt I will love the new album as well!!
I like Ace, but
By Skelly68
I like Ace but I’m not feeling this song at all. Maybe better stuff on the upcoming album.
New Ace Song
By Larry Galdeano
Sounds good
More Garbage
By 2,000 Man
Big Ace fan from the KISS days. Why does he keep recording this garbage? Lyrics that sound like they’re written by a 2nd Grader. Same basic riffs. Beyond predictable and awful. Quit giving these songs 5-Stars, people.
Ace Is GOD!
By General JD - Kiss Army
This song could be on rock-n-roll over back in ‘76.... blast from the past!... Space Ace Frehley is BACK & I told u so!!
Bronx Boy
By detsgt650
Ace is the best!!!!
Ace Frehley Great New Song!!
By Ripitout
New Ace song is great,can't wait for the new album!
Way to go Ace!
By 70's rockfan
Great song!He just keeps getting better!