Mark Kozelek - Mark Kozelek

Mark Kozelek

Mark Kozelek

  • Genre: Rock
  • Release Date: 2018-05-11
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 11

  • ℗ 2018 Caldo Verde Records


Title Artist Time
This Is My Town Mark Kozelek 7:16
Live in Chicago Mark Kozelek 6:03
The Mark Kozelek Museum Mark Kozelek 10:26
My Love for You Is Undying Mark Kozelek 13:08
Weed Whacker Mark Kozelek 8:03
Sublime Mark Kozelek 5:08
Good Nostalgia Mark Kozelek 4:41
666 Post Mark Kozelek 6:06
The Banjo Song Mark Kozelek 12:42
Young Riddick Bowe Mark Kozelek 5:42
I Cried During Wall Street Mark Kozelek 8:54


  • Mark Kozelek at HIs Worst

    By tjphoto
    This is, to be blunt, a collection of wholly undistinguished and self-indulgent, tuneless non-songs. Singing in a hoarse and out of tune voice as he too often has in the past, Kozelek seems off the deep end with this collection, cutting all ties with melody while reading out bad poetry and street observation lyrics in a kind of hip-hop meets beatnik tempo and associative style that is largely unlistenable. Mark Kozelek has written and sung a number of very good songs in the past, including his own "Glenn Tipton", "Carry Me Ohio" and "Blue Orchids". He's also been in some ways at his very best when doing remarkable covers of work by other artists, including the entire "Tiny Cities Made of Ashes" album as well as "You Ain't Got a Hold on Me" and others. He can be deep, mournful and tender when he's got the right material and mood. But the bulk of his own compositions have been sub-par at best, uninspired songs that fall flat and take up most of an album in which two or three compositions are worthy but surrounded by weak songs. His reputation for being pugnacious and boorish in live performance also seems to be legend. He has his admirers, sure, but is anyone telling him the truth to his face--that he's wasting his talent? Even if someone did, I suspect MK would growl, spit and swear at them with complete disdain for anything hitting close to home.
  • Grow up

    By cicalister
    Well my last review wasn’t posted, I guess it was too harsh for sensitive iTunes. Music evolves with the artist, and this album signifies the progression of Mark’s life, as does all of his music. After all, his music is poetic and a story line of his life. The people bashing this are either newcomers, or people who haven’t let go of 1996 and refuse to evolve. If you want Mark’s old music, buy his old albums, or better yet play them in your acid wash jeans and pretend you are still in your prime. This album is perfect for what it is. Thanks Mark.
  • Beautiful Rambling

    By glockenspleen
    A lot of reviews complaining about how rambly this album and I can honestly say it didn't bother me at all. Mark Kozelek has a very meta way of songwriting that I find very interesting. The instrumentation on here is very stripped back and beautiful combined with Mark's great voice. This is one of those albums where you'll either love it or hate it but I personally love it.
  • Sad, and not in a good way

    By Twin Cam Akiko
    Red House Painters. Listened to them non-stop in High School. Saw them a few dozen times with various line ups. Sun Kil Moon's first few albums are brilliant. But something bad has happened. Mark Kozelek stopped singing. He just kind of talks now. He stopped writing songs. He just rambles on about god knows what now. I never thought I'd say these words...but his music in unlistenable now.
  • Down Colorless Hill

    By UE405
    I recall when Among the Leaves came out, he declared that he was done with "self editing." If we only knew ... that record was a cornucopia of wonder compared to this latest slog. Who knew it would get this bad, album after album, endless, tuneless.
  • Make Like Paper

    By JTomRichards
    I think I’ve had enough
  • Bloated

    By DrewzertheAbuser
    Self indulgent crap
  • Pretentious

    By Gregory Ross
    The most pretentious, over-indulgent artist in recent memory takes another stroll down memory lane, devoid of melody, editing, structure; this is journalistic boredom at its musical peak.
  • On and on

    By Desert music man
    Use to be a big fan of Mark and Sun Kil Moon. Ghost of Great Highway and April great records.Stayed with him through Admiral Fell, Benji. Perils From the Sea all had their moments. But ever since Kozelek's been making the same record over and over. Meandering self indulgent material where he takes himself way too seriously. Basically stopped listening. Too bad because he use to be one of my favorite artists.