By ScarsThatStay
i love this music. very catchy, and makes me very happy. BuT i’m also a kind of conservative person. i’m kind of in the middle, as i agree on things with both sides. i personally don’t agree with some of his political views but he is so so talented and what he decides to do with that talent is up to him!
Stunning and Brave!
By Pclutgen
The raw intellectual power on display!
By A. Ben C.
5/5 for the simple fact of how hard it triggers republicans in these “reviews”
By Dragon -
He’s not afraid of what the reactions gonna be and he puts out his popular/unpopular opinions in a very unique way. For those who say his music isn’t good, it’s because you don’t realize how much he works or you simply don’t agree with his opinions. I’m in America and even if it isn’t great, free speech sure does show who’s real.
Blame objects
By mr.warhammer
Fantastic. you wrote a song blaming objects. writing political music sure but at least put the blame where it's supposed to go and not where the media wants you to put it- from a proud AR15 owner.
On who’s head?
By Searay83
The body count is on who’s hands? The criminals? Of course I agree! Just like we don’t attack Ford after a drunk person drives a mustang into a crowed of people right? Of course you know because #logic
What a snowflake song
By The batman is best bro
Political message is debatable. Song itself does not sound good to me. Sounds very outdated and overused with no actual musical talent except some vocal parts.
Release an album already!!!!!
By iTajPopal
Release an album already!!!!!
Amazing and relevant
By Hot_Curry
It’s so great to see a talented artist like grandson creating awesome music that covers important topics like this.
Speechless, but motivated.
By KittykatluvX
Honestly I have nothing to say about this song other than it is completely fitting for everything going on right now, especially the gun control issues continuing to rise. I am completely pro-gun control and feel that this song really hits home with it's lyrics. I highly recommend you listen to it and check out the t-shirts available on nothoughtsnoprayers.org, all the profits from them go to the FCYO. I'm even more motivated to get involved than I was before this song, so the young people of this generation, myself included, I believe will be the generation that will make the change for the better.