By Kaliklass
Thankful to the person that introduced me to this group. I’ve been hooked ever since!
By Jack fish 1
This album is so good! This has to be in the top three of my favorite albums of this year! This group needs more recognition than it already gets! They are so good and their sound is so new and different! Can’t wait for more music in the future!
Great Live Show Too
By emily51192
Stumbled upon this group while listening to Spotify playlist for the FIREFY MUSIC FESTIVAL in Dover, DE, a few weeks ago, and so glad I did. I was able to catch them live at two different performances during the festival, and they sound just as good live as they do on this album. Certainly see a bright future for them as their sound is great.
Incredible record
By The Deli
Bad Love is a jam. Stay is a jam. Lovin is Bible is a jam.
Just jams here
By lameidk
“stan” means to basically dedicate y’all lives to them because they are AMAZING. this album has been on repeat for about a month now. all the songs are 10/10 but my favorites are Fake Nice, Holiday and Bad Love. this album will save your life, your wig will disintegrate from hearing the bridge of the first song! these girls are going places and I can’t wait! watch THEM go viral, this ALBUM is bible. i love!!!!
Outstanding Album
By KorenGrace
I've been listening to this album everyday since it came out. Every time I hear a song it's as if its the first time I am hearing it. I am constantly surprised at how amazingly conhesive yet outstanding this album is. The Aces did an incredible job with this one. Worth the purchase! Share with everyone you know!
Taylor Swift mixed with Go-Gos
By DJJazzmus
Just met this band after a live show and they were so entertaining. I want more!
Best I’ve heard in a while
By Swimmy4004
Never have I ever found an album that I can listen to straight forward, without skipping any songs, over and over again. It’s been out for not even two days and I’ve listened to all of it 14 times. “Last One” shows a upbeat, pop feel with a catchy chorus. “Volcanic Love” is a strong entrance to the Aces and their unique sound. The album has something for everyone and I highly recommend that you give it a try.
By InternetFreakWeirdoNerdDude
such an underrated band.... love the album
Refreshing to see a good girl group
Been waiting for this one...
By iSyn79
Man they do know how to groove out. Their sound is perfect to my ears. Grab this one and enjoy end to end.