Exactly what it purports to be
By atomsplitter601
The second coming of pop music
Pop2 owns this century oops
By bigbibbies
Each bass drop slaps some sense it to ya after you almost unlock your car for an odd British lady
By Extra0rdinaryMachine
My favorite Charli project – says a lot since she has a great discography! But Pop 2 has the perfect blend of pop bops and highly climactic tracks, with an experimental edge.
By CareBear0606
I don’t think there’s a song on here that I don’t like! The music is different and upbeat and Charli's voice is flawless 💓💓
Still listening to this day
By Andry Salinas❤️❤️😋
Yea I love this mixtape
Vital and cathartic pop music
By Ineedanickname?wow
One of the best pop albums ever made. I wish more pop music out there was this goddamn vital and cathartic. Captures the perfect expression of being messed up from love, partying hard and living life to its painful and beautiful fullest.
By charli's youngest angel
Charli is an amazing writer this is my fav album that she wrote I am such an angel#obsessed
By cstrangee
I don’t know what to call this kind of music but it’s bomb af!
AMAZING album ✨🖤🔥🔥🔥🖤✨
By Jsa1192
I seriously cannot get enough of ‘Pop 2’! I have been listening to it non-stop since the day it was released & I haven’t slowed down since! If you haven’t heard any of this album yet (same goes with ‘Number 1 Angel’) or Charli XCX in general you are missing out BIG time trust me! I also cannot get enough of Charli’s new singles that she has been releasing recently so be sure to check those out as well! I give this album a SOLID 10/10 stars for sure, hands down, no questions asked! 🖤😍🎶🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Queen Of Collaboration
By lilahthecrocodilah
I first heard Out Of My Head in recordings of SOPHIE live shows back when it was only her on production and only ALMA on vocals. While it was great, it's wonderful to see how it's evolved into the version on this mixtape. Most people haven't heard the mixtape (although I'm sure some of the people who hacked her google drive have some of it), but based on the production credits and features, we're gonna be in for a real treat.
Update a million years later: Definitely one of the best releases of the decade tbh.