Rock and Blues!
By Bart 91
Excellent musicianship
Best Album Ever By Rick
By Saint_of_None
I like every single on here, not many albums I can say that nowadays
No thanks
By Guitar Professor
I like Springfield and was excited to get this album, but now after looking it over I'll save my money and buy Bonamassa's "Redemption."
No bible thumping here
By otterman
It’s too bad that the narrow-minded Christians - sorry if that’s redundant - making disapproving comments can’t - or choose not to - understand that Rick is not a preacher, biblical scholar, or former member of Stryper. He’s a secular musician and storyteller. He’s not obligated to regurgitate verbatim the “facts” of your belief. And he doesn’t need your pity or prayers (SMH!). He’s free to mix, match, cherry-pick, use creative license, or make up out of thin air (sound familiar?) any myth for his songs, telling any stories he pleases.
Y’know, kinda like Christianity. I guess y’all missed the whole humor aspect, too. And it’s not like he hasn’t been singing about lusting after women for the last 50 years! There’s more than a little precedent.
Too bad
By Ashdyl01
At 68 you still have time Rick but not much before you will meet your maker. I hope you get the story straight before then. I had been a life long fan and seen him in concert a number of times. Please get help Rick I really liked your music and pray for you.
Love “In The Land Of The Blind”
By leighmk
Absolutely love In The Land Of The Blind. Lyrics and music are great. Has a Tom Petty vibe. His other songs are very blues inspired and his guitar playing is incredible. Ignore the negative reviews from people who are disappointed by lyrics that don’t agree with their political views.
By dgm617
I’ve recently rediscovered Rick Springfield’s music and the vast majority of newer stuff is fantastic. This release, however - not so much. I have been saddened after reading recent interviews and listening to these songs, and now that I’ve heard them once I don’t need to hear them again. I realize RS needs to write about what he’s feeling but it’s like he’s given up on faith and hope. I’m giving two stars because the actual music is good. I just can’t get into the lyrics or the message behind them.
Too Different
By Crochetowl
This is the first album I didn’t like (being a long-time fan). Most of the songs are just not a style I like.
worse cd ever!!!!
By Your new Friend!!
Rick please get HELP!!
Disappointed with lyrics
By Maria in KC
Why?!!!! Don't like the anti religion theme or the veiled political statements. Way to offend 50% of the country.