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Title Artist Time


  • πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–

    By Pika Pika Pusheen
    Amazing! I love Let Me In and Best Part!
  • I love H.E.R ❣️

    By OB 313
    She is such an earthy R&B artist! We need more artist like this talented beingπŸ’ I’m so in love with her music and artistry.
  • M. Byrd.Sr

    By Big worm 2 much
    A new super star for us to love and support, she will be one of the top selling female artists of all times. This is a unique voice that only God almighty can create, man don’t have the knowledge to create something so beautiful. She is what you call a diamond, she beautiful inside and out. God bless this young lady.πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ˜ rising ⭐️
  • I πŸ’• H.E.R

    By AG.Roi
    I love her vocals, her message - there’s nothing bad I can say about H.E.R. She’s so dope, she’s brought a better sound back to R&B.
  • Who are you???? Can we Meet and PUREform Together????

    You are PUREly AUMmazing and We LUV that you Keep it coming. Keep up the GREAT works and if you want to do sumthing with a cultural vibe we are here for you!!!! QUADITY-N-ONe N Tha LUVtones would LUV sum ONstage and Backstage Passes to your Next Nearby ATLANTA, Georgia PUREformance!!!! :-)
  • Where are her ringtones!

    By @_ThttGirlTeTe
    Where are her ringtones? Make her ringtones already!
  • Lover her!!!

    By Camron28
    H.e.r. Music is always dope!!
  • πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ˜­πŸ˜¨

    By Dayy16
    best day of my life tbh
  • That voice

    By H.E.R biggest fan
    H.E.R. Voice is so beautiful 😍
  • Phenomenal

    By gbaby girl95
    This woman's music never ceases to fail to impress me. She is one of the that represents R&b right and good music today well. I really hopes she gets the full recognition she deserves because obviously she cares more about her music than anything. It shows by the amount of works she has put out this year and remaining to keep her identity as secretive as possible so that people can focus on what really matters, her music.