i saw them at camp
By dirty8l0nde
Clairmont is ahhhhh-mazing they are better live though i prefer but u have to go to camp to see them play live @ Carolina Creek Christian Camp i heard that next summer(2009) they might be campers but u can sign up at champion forest baptist church @ inyourelement.org it was ahhhh-some this year!!!!!!
awsomly awsome!!!!!!!
By cool persons r awsome
THank you guys so much for coming to our camp and you guys are such a good camp and love your new song "I Will Boast" and i hope you guys will get it up soon because i absolutly can't wait any longer!!!!! COME BACK NEXT YEAR TO CHAMPION FOREST BAPTIST CHURCH CAMP!!!! (MIDDLE SCHOOL!!!!) BUT YOU REALLY SHOULD TELL PEOPLE THAT YOU ARE ON iTunes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Travis Hen...
By Haileys A LOSER
Hey Clairmont i saw yall at the faithbridge camp and yall were awesome and the cd is great but id recommend recording some of the christain music yall do at the camp
your music
By yourpassword
the cd cant compare to seeing them live !!
Kayla <3's ya'll!
By Kayla hearts Clairmont!!
yess Josh!! i figured it out<333!! when are ya'll playing at the church again!! so i can see ya'll!! yupp yupp i love ya'll!!
Simply Amazing!!!
Clairmont's music sounds like sweet music to my ears everytime I listen to this CD. It's got original sound and some sweet lyrics to get you excited! If this is their EP, I CANT wait for there full length CD!!! If yourr ooking for something new, this is definatly what your looking for!! Check it out!
By Miori
This album has changed my life!!! Clairmont has a really good sound. I highly reccommend it.